What is my Property REALLY Worth?
All through the last few years we’ve heard about how much real estate prices have escalated. The stories we’ve heard have tended to give us an inflated perspective on what the market value of our homes might be. In order to help my sellers arrive at a more objective figure; I present a chart like the one here that graphically represents what home price appreciation has been in the Fort Lauderdale market. As you can see there was a significant increase in prices from 2003 to 2005; but for the rest of the period shown here increases were fairly steady at about 5 to 10 percent. Logic would suggest that a good way to determine the current market price of a property is to run the purchase price through this matrix (assuming the property was purchased for fair market price).
I’ve developed a tool to perform this analysis. Give me a call if you’d like me to perform this examination for your property.