Tuesday, September 29, 2009

More (less-guarded-than-ever) Good News

The Case Shiller Index findings for July were released today. You'll hear about this index in the news but it's important to remember that all real estate is LOCAL so I've been tracking the index for the Miami/Fort Lauderdale market. Last month's findings were exciting when the monthly decline reversed for the first time since early 2007. The numbers released today indicate further evidence that the market bottom or NEW NORMAL for single family homes is being determined now. Call me if you'd like an estimate of the value of your home in the NEW NORMAL.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Condo Getaway

...or if you're want to try out your French accent...pied-à-terre.

On the bright side of the recent market change; small condos-in-the-sun are once again attainable for a reasonable price. If you'd like to get started looking for a place of your own, click the link below and browse the selection of units I've identified as "Best Buys". If you see something of interest, click on the "Request More Info" button and I'll respond with more information.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

'Distressed' Sales Diminishing

At the beginning of this year, single family home sales were dominated by foreclosures (REO) and short sales. As can be seen in this chart, the tide has turned and Arms-Length sales again represent the majority of units sold on a monthly basis. Perhaps another sign of an improving situation for the real estate market.