Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Case-Shiller Value Analysis
The value of single family homes in South Florida declined 1.24% in August according to the Case-Shiller Value Analysis released today.  This is the greatest single-month decline since April 2009.  So far, 2010 hasn't performed with the promise I anticipated at the end of last year.  There was a report from Moody's a week or so ago that projected 'pent-up demand' for Florida real estate.  There may be some support for Moody's optimism as I've noted that at least 50% of the showings of our listings in recent weeks have been to buyers from out of the country.  Let's hope for a gangbuster winter season!

Friday, November 19, 2010

National Median Home Prices

Our friends at the National Association of Realtors have put together this fun interactive map so we can compare our housing statistics with other parts of the country.  Enjoy... http://bit.ly/dkyjLk