Wednesday, October 26, 2011

More Short Sales than Foreclosure Sales in September

I'm currently working with three short sale transactions (and about to add a fourth).  Clearly they are challenging for all parties involved but are a major factor in this market and with hard work and patience, can end in a successful sale.  I've been tracking the short sale & foreclosure market since January 2009.  Much has been made of the constriction of foreclosures in light of  'robo-sign' practices of processors and the number of transactions has been in flux, but I was surprised to find that the number of short sales actually exceeded foreclosure sales in September for the first time.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Single Family Home Value Down a Tad

Case Shiller value index for August was released this morning.  Value in South Florida dropped slightly led by decline in the higher-tier (more "expensive") homes.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Save $40,000!!

For some perspective on today's mortgage rate news; a home buyer borrowing $180,000 at today's rate would save $40,000 in interest over the life of the loan, compared with the same loan at 5% (the rate just six months ago).  Monthly payments would be about $100 cheaper too.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

There would be no iphone without Broward County

While the "whole world" was waiting breathlessly for the announcement of the latest iphone; an engineering firm in SUNRISE, FL was churning out components for the new device.