Thursday, July 03, 2008

Short Sales/Foreclosures and Property Taxes
Buyers anticipating property tax assessments based strictly on purchase price of properties purchased as short sales or foreclosures need to take note of the following statement found on the home page of the Broward County Property Appraiser:

If you purchase a property in a foreclosure or short sale, your actual purchase price may not reflect the just (market) value used for determining your taxes. Instead, Florida law requires our office to use the reasonable market price of a sale of similar homes in your neighborhood (or a similar area) sold under normal financial conditions to determine the assessment. Regardless of your 2008 purchase price, assessments in Florida are done a year in arrears. This means your 2008 assessment is based on the sales in your neighborhood (excluding foreclosures, short sales and non-arm's length transactions) between January 2, 2007 and January 1, 2008.

Buyers, concerned about exactly what this "reasonable market price" might be should contact the Property Appraiser's Office (use the link above).

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